Problem solving and networked thinking
Develop strategies of thinking and dealing with complex problems
In everyday life as well as at work we are again and again confronted with problems which we are unable to solve on the spot. As soon as the right approach has been found we start wondering why we had been blind for such a long time. But next time we face near enough the same difficulties. Although there is no sure formula for problem solving, there are some general strategies of thinking which can considerably facilitate the identification of a solution. Amongst them count above all a differentiated analysis of the problem, resulting in the most favourable of cases in a direct solution.
In today’s life and work, problems are very often very complex and their components are very strongly networked and there is also a strong inter-connection with the environment, that a comprehensive analysis does not seem possible. When interfering with such systems, individuals often tend to fall prey to undue simplifications or even dangerous errors of judgment.
This workshop familiarizes participants with practically relevant findings of problem solving research. They will become acquainted with methods for problem analysis, for creative brainstorming and for overcoming mental blocks. An introduction into the basics of the general systems theory will help to understand the characteristics and the momenta of complex systems. Based upon specific problems, strategies for appropriately dealing with these systems will be developed and tested in role-play.
Main topics
Recognise, analyse and solve problems
- Problem solving through insight
- The problem solving process
- Heuristic methods for problem analysis
- Identify and overcome conceptual barriers
- Process problems through mind mapping
Understand and cope with complex problems
- Features of complex problems
- Learn to think in a systemic and networked manner
- Holistic solution strategies
- Forms of unusual problem solving
- The problem solving conference
Conditions and terms:
Groups of 6-10 participants
One-day seminar: 1.850 R